Shades of Ash

Shades of Ash Sinhala , Sudu Kalu Saha Alu is a 2005 film directed by Sudath Mahaadivulwewa.

He represents the youngsters joining the army from the village, to protect the unity and the territorial integrity of the country. It is the most easily available job for the poorest of the poor in the war stricken society. Because of war this soldier becomes a wage earner, a slave, and bonded to the state to save his salary. He becomes a wreck as a result, and ruins his personal life, driving him mad. In the circumstances, he became a destitute symbolizing the predicament of many youngsters who became the victims of the civil strife.She is a spouse of a wageearning combatant. She is only entitled for compensation in case of premature death of her husband due to war. Being a militarymans wife, she was required to sacrifice many things in life. A young wife who did not even enjoy her honeymoon due to exigencies of services of her husband became a destitute among an insane husband, a child and blind father. Ultimately, she became a comfort woman in the city. Her husband, being named a deserter, she is not entitled to the privileges of a wife of a war hero and she lost her rights for compensation. She represents the victims of war who are compelled to sacrifice everything in life, and became a destitute of war in the full sense of the word. ........

Source: Wikipedia